Welcome to Equity Partners International, Incorporated

Airport Lounge Portfolio Company Recently Sold to Global Strategic Investor

Our divisions are led by our private equity practice. Our success with our portfolio companies has resulted in the capital of the firm being deployed into new ventures, liquid financial investments and income-producing real estate. We also provide a corporate family office environment through our investment management approach which is unique in the industry. We are here to help. We invest in outstanding products, markets and people. If you are looking for capital, for an equity infusion, for new investment opportunities and are looking for success in portfolio company guidance and investment management, we are the company to call!

Please review our three key divisions and reach out to the contacts provided to discuss your needs further. We work with companies in the US, Europe, Asia and Australia/New Zealand continuously. If you are looking to know more about the financial support and services we provide, please email us at CEO@EquityPartnersUS.com or give us a call today.

Our Team